Shoulder Joint Roughness


Heat frequency therapy is done to reduce the pain resulting from the roughness of the shoulder joint and tendonitis. The treatment is done by passing frequency waves through a long needle that is inserted under local anesthesia into the nerve site precisely with the help of an x-ray machine. This leads to a temporary disruption in the function of the nerve and thus does not transmit the sensation of pain. The effect of heat frequency therapy relieves pain by more than 70-80%.

Injections of plasma, hyaluronic acid and growth stimulants: aim to stimulate the body’s natural healing abilities. The latest treatment methods are stem cell therapy (fat injection into the shoulder joint) and platelet-rich plasma injection into the shoulder.

Injection and radiofrequency ablation of the shoulder is a minimally invasive procedure. It is done with local anesthesia, not a total anesthetic, under the guidance of interventional radiology. The procedure time ranges between 15-20 minutes, and the patient is advised to leave the hospital after one to two hours and return to normal life after 24-48 hours.

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